Prekindergarten at Lakeshore Montessori School

PrekindergartenPreparing for grade school is an important part of child development. They should know what the difference is from good and bad. The prekindergarten class is designed to academically, as well as socially and emotionally prepare children for Kindergarten. At Lakeshore Montessori School, the class size is kept small to provide individual attention as well as small group work, as most children learn best in this type of environment.

Our learning center is developed to build the foundation for reading by having a print rich environment, working on phonemic awareness as well as literacy comprehension. The curriculum focuses on writing formation and using start and stop points. Art, movement, and music are a part of the daily routine as well.

Social skills including, interacting with others, work habits and self-help skills will continue to be developed. The ultimate goal of the Montessori school is to help build confidence and increase child development.

For more information about our prekindergarten class, contact us at Lakeshore Montessori School today. We would be more than happy to serve the residents in Vancouver, WA, and its surrounding cities.


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